After energy and protein, phosphorus is the third most costly nutrient
in poultry feed. An essential nutrient plays a vital role in bone and
eggshell formation together with energy metabolism. Some of this is consumed as plant phosphorus, of which around 60-70% is not digested by the laying hens and some will be inorganic phosphorus from mineral sources such calcium phosphate, of which around 15-20% will remain undigested. Undigested phosphorus passes through the bird’s GIT, ultimately polluting the environment. Furthermore, as the cost of feed ingredients continues to rise, and calcium phosphates become relatively more expensive, there are significant economic concerns to take into account. For this, Phytase feed enzymes improve the digestibility and availability of phosphorus from plant sources. Consequently, a lower level of inorganic phosphorus has to be added to the feed to meet the bird’s requirement, resulting in reduced feed costs and less phosphorus excretion into the environment. Phytase occur widely in nature in tissues of animals, plants and in microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. Phytases are able to break down phytate in cereals and legumes to liberate inorganic phosphate for animal nutrition. There are two main classes of phytase: 3-phytase, which is microbial phytases that hydrolyze the phosphate group at the C3 position; and 6-phytase of plant origin, which acts first, at the C6 position. Phytases break down phytic acid, storage of phosphate compounds finding in grains. Phytases can be arranged in three categories as phosphate groups: 3-phytase, 4-phytase, and 5-phytase, accordingly their hydrolysis positions. 6-phytase initiates the dephosphorylation at position 6 and initiates the hydrolysis of phyate at position C6 of the myo-inositol hexaphosphate ring, therefore considered as type 6 phytases.
Phytases may originate from the intestine of animal, from endogenous plant phytase present in some feed ingredients, from intestinal bacteria, or be added as exogenous enzyme in the feed. Exogenous phytases are the most important in animal nutrition essentially because monogastric animals and poultry that have the most need of phytase produce negligible enzyme activity whose value in dietary phosphorus digestibility remains speculative. Phytic acid is an enzyme with a catalytic role in free myo-inositol, myo-inositol phosphate, and inorganic monophosphate hydrolysis. Grain-consuming monogastric animals cannot break down phytic acid in its early age due to low phytase production.
With the shortage of natural sources of inorganic phosphorus and consequently the increase in the price of dicalcium phosphate, the use of phytase in broiler diets becomes a relevant measure for providing the phosphorus of plants to animals. Phytase acts on the phosphate group links the phytic acid molecule, releasing phosphorus and other minerals such as calcium, copper, iron and zinc, as well as energy and amino acids. Smaller phytase concentrations have some advantages, such as improved retention of non-mineral nutrients as amino acids and energy, whereas high doses have a greater effect on phosphorus retention, but not on these nutrients.
New generation phytases which are proven to be more effective at releasing phosphorus from feed ingredients will help producers to reduce phosphorus pollution. Increasing the amount of phytase included in the feed also provides opportunities for producers to further reduce the amount of phosphorus excreted into the environment.
CJ Phytase:
Phytase by CJ Bio functions effectively due to its thermostability which optimizes pelleting and high efficacy at gastric pH. Benefits of CJ Bio Phytase
- Degrade phytate completely
- Utilize more nutrients including Phosphorus, Minerals, protein and starch
- Save feed costs by reducing up to 60% of DCP in the diet.
- CJ Bio Phytase has higher pellet thermostability, tested in West Virginia University, US and CJ R&D center at 75, 80, 85, 90℃ after feed conditioned for 30s.
Features of Thermostable Phytase 10000FTU
CJ Bio Thermostable phytase has Superior E.coli strain having high production efficiency and excellent thermostability upto 92◦C during pelleting and resist against the high-temperature or high-humidity conditions. CJ Bio Phytase ensures recovery throughout the complete feed manufacturing process. This bacterial based E.coli strain grows on Picia Pastoris to make this enzyme intrinsically heat stable. E.coli expressed in AppA gene in picia pastoris which improves the expressions of Thermostable Phytase. Furthermore, Picia pastoris contributes to improved recombinant protein folding and secretion in yeast which is microbial production host. CJ Bio Phytase is uniform, free flowing, and granule with low coefficient of variation. The phytase can be liberated rapidly in birds’ gastrointestinal tract with high ability to combine with substrate and effectively reduce the amount of Di-calcium phosphate (DCP) and other inorganic phosphates. Hence, Phytase saves inorganic phosphate and cut down the feed cost. It also increases catalytic efficiency of endogenous enzymes by maximizing the efficiency from ingredient phosphorus which ultimately improves nutrient absorption from feed. The net result, being a savings in inorganic phosphorus sources, such as mono and di-calcium phosphate that are commonly added in most animal diets, enhanced environmental sustainability, and definitely considerably lower feed cost, without compromising birds’ performance.